Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Mount Merbabu

Merbabu is a type of volcano Strato. Merbabu in Magelang district on the western slopes and partly in the district of Boyolali, Central Java. Merbabu has a height of 3142 meters above sea level. Merbabu derived from the word "Meru" means mountain and "babu" meaning woman.

There are 2 pieces of the peak Sharif peak (3119m) and Songo Kenteng peak (3142m). Merbabu quite popular as a venue for climbing activities. The terrain is not too heavy but potential hazards to watch out for hikers is the cold, thick fog, dense forest.

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Climbing the path to get through Wekas​​, Magelang or it could be from Selo, Boyolali.
During the ascent of Mount Merbabu, will be treated to beautiful views. Many see the mountains around Mount Merbabu, namely Telomoyo mountains, Merapi, and Ungaran. Juka is to dipuncak, it would seem that three other mountain Sumbing, Sindoro, and Mount Andong.

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